Let’s take a break together. Join us on a digital fast now through Easter!

Let us know you’re doing the fast!

What is a Digital Fast?

• Make your smartphone dumb. Move anything off your phone that you can do on your computer or laptop.  

  • Think about your apps in terms of “distraction” vs. “utility.” Ask yourself, “Is this distracting me (or supposed to distract me) or is this something useful?”  

    • Examples of distraction: email, social media, news apps, games, a web browser, video, and shopping apps  

    • Examples of utility: phone, text, calendar, airline apps, building/garage access, camera, weather

  • Eliminate screens for personal use and enjoyment.

    • Examples: gaming devices, streaming services, cable television, etc.

  • Limit digital technology to work apps during work hours on your work devices. 

Why a Digital Fast?

The ultimate goal of fasting is to increase our hunger for God and satisfy that hunger for him in our relationship with him. If that is the goal, then digital fasting is about changing our relationship with digital technology and our devices to increase our hunger for God and satisfaction in him. It’s about looking at the way we live and removing whatever keeps us from that ultimate goal and putting in whatever moves us closer to it. Digital technology and our devices are designed to addict and distract us. Their deadly distractions keep us from the rest, peace, and joy Jesus wants for us. They might provide some benefits, but the high price we pay for them in lost time, attention, and focus keeps us from enjoying life as it was meant to be lived with God and others. We were made for more, and the digital fast can be something that helps us experience more of the life and relationships God wants for us.